Giving Back

Boreal forest wilderness in central Yukon Territory, Canada, one of the wild places monitored by WCS Canada


At Parkside, caring for our planet is one of our top priorities. Everything from product materials to packaging to shipping options is carefully chosen with environmental impact in mind. On Earth Day 2020, we released the Earth puzzle in celebration of our beautiful planet. Not only did we want our puzzle to pay homage to the Earth, but we also wanted its sales to have a meaningful impact. So we decided to donate 10% of each Earth puzzle sale to Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada.

Our 1000 piece Earth puzzle is available in our online shop here.

WCS Canada is a national organization with a comprehensive approach to conservation. Through a combination of field science, conservation planning, and policy outreach, they directly contribute to protecting wildlife across Canada. 

One of the many species that WCS monitors is caribou, whose population is declining and whose habitat is disappearing. WCS scientists’ focused efforts study the effect of resource development, including logging, mining and road construction, as well as climate change on the caribou population. 

A herd of caribou in Canada's Northwest Territories, a species closely monitored by WCS Canada

WCS also strives to protect Boreal Birds like the Rusty Blackbird and Blackpoll Warbler, whose population is declining drastically due to habitat loss, pesticides disrupting their food chain, and building collisions. They identify critical habitats for these birds and advocate for their conservation.

Much more work is needed to protect these species and so we decided to donate a portion of our Earth puzzle sales to fund this critical research.

A Blackpoll Warbler, one of the migratory bird species monitored by WCS Canada

In 2020, with the help of your purchases, we donated a total of $20,000 to WCS Canada. Thank you so much for helping us support wildlife conservation!  

To learn more about WCS Canada, or to donate to them directly, please visit their website here.